Category Archives: Linkedin validation consultants

Warning about Linkedin Validation Consultants

Validation Consultants on Linkedin

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via microsoft clip art


I’m writing this quick post because of a distrubing trend I’ve discovered having joined many validation related groups within Linkedin.   I’ve noticed that there have been many groups that are utilized by consultants for purposes of generating revenue for their validation business.   The worrisome trend is that these individuals who start these computer system validation groups are taking advantage of the lack of knowledge of people within the regulated industry seeking advice.  Even today, I left a group after realizing that the group moderator was giving incorrect advice to the readers on clinical computer sytem validation and insisted on his point of view even after I tried to correct his error.  For the sake of your own quality system and the safety and quality of products/services, please be aware of the ‘experts’ on Linkedin and do your homework before hiring any of these consultants/companies.

Kind Regards,

Gregg Salomon